0xlab 在 OSDC.tw 2011 的議程分享

在台灣,一年一度的開放原始碼盛會 OSDC.tw 即將於今年三月 26 與 27 兩日舉辦,而 0xlab 除了很榮幸能成為 OSDC.tw 贊助單位之外,也有五位開發者獲邀分享若干技術議程,以下摘錄的演講摘要

講題: The meaning of open
講者: John Lee
摘要: Open source can be a culture, a belief, a hobby, a profession, and many things else. Now it can also be a business model. 0xlab has been trying to build a bridge between companies and open source communities for almost two years. We believe that by creating an ecosystem around open source technologies, we can help it growing stronger in Taiwan. This session is about our idea, our vision, and our progress.

講題: Build Programming Language Runtime by LLVM
講者: Jim Huang (jserv)
摘要: 在 OSDC 2009 的〈窮得只剩下 Compiler -- 淺談編譯技術的革命〉議程,提及編譯器相關的技術獲得空前的成功,而在運算型態多元的今日,如何跨越語言的藩籬卻又得兼顧底層平台的效能與安全,即是當前的重要課題。本議程將探討如何打造架構於 LLVM Compiler Infrastructure 的程式語言執行環境,並分析傳統編譯/解譯式語言到當紅的動態程式語言在引入於移動平台時,值得深入探索的技術細節。

講題: Rloader, alternative technology to achieve fast boot time for ARM Linux
講者: Matt Hsu
摘要: To reduce boot time for embedded device, you can optimize from different aspects, such as bootloader, kernel, and applications. But this usually needs to do optimization on specific application. Instead, Rloader can provide _generic_ solution to achieve fast boot time without changing your application.

講題: SVG+Javascript meets Embedded Systems
講者: Thinker Li
摘要: After two years of work, MadButterfly, a SVG based GUI environment, had made a breakthrough. It suports Javascript to improve efficiency for developing embedded systems. In late 2010, we also improve our code with OpenVG, an HW acceleration API, to provide high-performance GUI. This talk would demonstrate an efficient way for developing an embedded system with GUI, and provide high quality and performance GUI output with a low-Hz platform at the same time.

講題: Gallium3D - Mesa's new driver model
講者: Chia-I Wu (olv)
摘要: 做為 Linux 系統主要的開放源始碼 3D 驅動程式,在 GPU 應用範圍越來越廣泛的同時,傳統的 Mesa driver model 已逐漸不敷使用。本議程將簡介 Mesa 新提出的 Gallium3D 架構,理解何以 Gallium3D 能夠幫助開發者更快地去支援新的硬體、作業系統與繪圖 API 。


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Posted 張貼者: jserv 於 上午11:40 on 2011年2月7日 星期一 | 1 意見
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