0xlab 在 COSCUP 2009 的議程分享

一年一度的「COSCUP / 開源人年會」即將於八月 15 與 16 兩日舉辦,今年的規模與議程深廣度再創新紀錄,依據公佈的議程大綱,今年大會有四個主題:
  • Android 和嵌入式系統
  • 雲端運算和 Web 技術
  • 開發者工具
  • 使用者桌面
0xlab 除了很榮幸能成為 COSCUP 贊助單位之外,也有四位開發者獲邀分享若干技術議程,以下摘錄 COSCUP 的演講摘要
講題:Android Wave Is Not Google Wave

講者:Chia-I Wu "olv" (0xlab)


There is 3D acceleration on our laptops/netbooks. There is no reason that we cannot accelerate Android when it runs on the same devices. This talk is about 3D acceleration on Android. However, it will focus more on Mesa/DRI and focus less on Android, as the former is more open to our definitions.
講題: How Android Differs from GNU/Linux? And How can we FIX it?

講者: walkingice (0xlab)
Android is indeed an open platform and large-scale open source project, which is amazing, but it excludes some well-known free and open source software such as glibc. This talk is about to share the experience about migrating from traditional GNU/Linux to Android. Also, 0xlab introduces some non-trivial modifications in order to leverage existing native Linux software into Android.
講題: Happy Build with OpenEmbedded
講者: tick (0xlab)

Openembedded is a flexible and powerful autobuild system. It helps us porting different distributions to different hardwares without too much pain. I'd like to introduce the OpenEmbedded system via creating a tiny distribution and running it on a real embedded system. I will use beagleboard to demonstrate the image. If you have beagleboard, you can take that and play at the same time.
講題:Linux Virtualization Goes Mobile
講者:Jim Huang "jserv" (0xlab)

Although the concept of virtualization has existed since the 1960s, the applications become mature and diverse recently. the term "hypervisor" is referred to the original goal: providing a virtualization layer that strictly isolates virtual machines from each other for security and reliability purposes, that meets the requirement of rich mobile devices nowadays. the talk covers running operating systems in isolated run-time environments on a single hardware platform, and what we can benefit from it: flexible system configurations, legal/contractual liability, secure designs, etc.
涵蓋 Android 3D、Android / Embedded Linux 開發,與 Linux virtualization 等等,屆時我們也會發布最近幾個月的成果,期待您的蒞臨指教,謝謝!

About this entry

  1. Hello Wayling 2009年7月29日 晚上10:45


  2. jserv 2009年7月30日 下午6:46

    依據往年的經驗,COSCUP 提供議程的錄影下載,只要講者同意即可

