Google Android 開發團隊為了技術自主、迴避 Java 商標爭議等考量,建構了嶄新的 Dalvik Virtual Machine,骨子裡頭仍支援 Java 程式語言,但 Dalvik VM 設計稍異於典型 JVM,網路上已有豐富的比較,本文就不贅述,筆者想探討的,則是日本 eFlow 公司最近提出的 'Android™'s Dalvik VM on "Mobile Java"',目標就是讓原本的 Java 執行平台 (主要是 Java ME),得以運作針對 Android Dalvik VM 設計的應用程式。日前該專案已開放原始程式碼,主體依據 GNU GPLv2,以下是相關資訊:
- 新聞稿: eflow Releases First Implementation of Android™'s Dalvik VM on "Mobile Java" as Open Source
- 專案開發主頁: android-dalvik-vm-on-java : Pure Java implementaion of Android's Dalvik virtual machine
- Dalvik Execution file format (.dex)
- Complete Dalvik instruction set
- Multi-thread (include synchronized block, wait and notify)
"We believe this implementation will particularly benefit manufacturers currently developing Android-powered devices, with a number of which we are cooperating to port the Dalvik VM to their specific hardware and software architectures. By making this implementation available today as open source, and by accelerating our porting and development efforts, we have the firm intention to make a significant contribution to the broader Android community."這裡無從得知,不過,該專案四月底時,一併將 dalvikvm_benchmark 釋出,伴隨內部的效能分析數據,非常有意思。從裡頭的資料來看,標的硬體平台有兩個:
- Google Dev Phone 1 (528MHz - Qualcomm MSM7201A)
- P905i (500MHz - Panasonic UniPhier 4M + JBlend)
- Google Dev Phone 1 (528MHz - Qualcomm MSM7201A) :: 433
- P905i (500MHz - Panasonic UniPhier 4M + JBlend) :: 1811
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